I’ve Got Answers
Please have a look at my frequently asked questions and their comprehensive answers provided below. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m always here to help.

What is Health and Wellness coaching?
Coaching is about finding the client's inner drive and motivation that comes from below the surface and figuring out what could be inhibiting success in any area and helping to navigate steps forward. Coaches do not take on an expert role or tell a client how to do something. Coaches use visioning, creativity, goal-setting and accountability to help a client make sustainable change.

What does the coaching process involve?
A Well-Being Assessment will be emailed to you and should be completed prior to the first coaching session so that I may gain some insight about you • A confidential initial coaching session, via Google Meet, for 60 minutes so we can start to uncover what's beneath the surface. • I will conduct 30-45 minute weekly or biweekly confidential sessions for a minimum of 1 month • You will gain more understanding and confidence to improve and, if you choose, THRIVE in at least one area of your health and wellness. Are you a good fit? You do not need to be physically fit, have dreams of running a marathon, or be ready to dramatically change your diet. You just need to be who you already are and be open to improving in any area of your health or wellbeing such as: sleep, routine exercise, increasing self-care, or setting boundaries. The sky is the limit!

How can I start working with you?
If you have questions or are feeling ready to take charge in rediscovering yourself, please contact me via email, phone, or facebook.